Privacy Policy

for LYNX website


The LYNX for industrial solutions company ("LYNX", "we" or "us") attribute great importance to the protection of your personal data. Therefore, we conduct our business in compliance with applicable laws on protection of personal data and data security.

1. Scope

This privacy policy ("Policy") informs you as to which data we collect, store, circulate and use about visitors to websites of LYNX ("website(s)").

By visiting our website, you agree with the present Policy, otherwise you have to refrain from the use of our website.

We reserve the right to adapt this Policy and we will announce such changes on this website. Return regularly to find out about the status of the Policy.

2. Collected data

Personal data such as name, address, telephone number, email address or other identifying in-formation, will only be collected by us if you provide us with such data voluntarily (e.g. by registration, survey) or if you have consented or the applicable laws on the protection of personal data allow us to do so. Accordingly, you can visit our websites without giving any personal data, provided that the use of the website does not require registration.

We reserve the right to anonymize the data you provided to store it in an aggregated form and to combine it with other data to create anonymous statistics as the case may be (e.g. the number of visitors).

3. Data security

LYNX will take appropriate technical, administrative and organizational security measures to protect your stored personal data from unauthorized access, improper use, disclosure, loss or destruction. To ensure the confidentiality of these data, we use state of the art IT security systems.

Please note that your data can be lost or can be accessed by unauthorized parties during trans-mission over the Internet or e-mail. We cannot assume any responsibility and expressly disclaim any liability for the security of your data during transmission. It is your own responsibility to ensure that the computer you are using is adequately secured and protected against malicious software and the like. If you cannot ensure this, we ask you to use other means of communication.

4. Use and editing of data

LYNX collects and uses your personal data primarily to fulfill your requests such as answering your inquiries, processing your orders, the preparation, negotiation, execution and fulfillment of your contracts and to give you access to certain information.

We also have the authority to use your personal data, notably due to legal obligations, govern-mental or judicial order, to establish or protect a legal claim, to defend against a legal claim, for operational testing or revision, in connection with the sale, assignment, or another transfer of the business or to prevent misuse and other illegal activities.

To maintain customer relationships, it may be necessary to store and process your personal data, in order to better respond to your needs or to improve our products and services. Also, we or a third party on our behalf, may use personal data to inform you about products and services from LYNX, that we believe could be of interest to you or to carry out online surveys.

5. Distribution of data

Apart from the cases provided by this Policy, your personal data will not be sold, transmitted or otherwise distributed to third parties.

To the extent necessary for the purposes listed under clause 4, we pass your personal data to third parties instructed by us. In particular, your personal data may be viewed by external companies and representatives that are doing technological maintenance or working on our behalf to help fulfill business transactions. All these companies and agents are required to maintain strict confidentiality.

It may happen that certain personal data is stored or processed at computers located in jurisdictions that do not have the same privacy laws as your country of residence. Therefore, we take the highest privacy standards of the countries in which we do business as a basis for our data protection measures.

6. Cookies

When accessing our websites data is automatically collected by one or more small file(s) – so-called Cookies – which are sent to your computer and saved automatically. This collected data cannot be assigned to a specific person. The data notably includes such as the Internet browser and the operating system used, the domain name of previously visited webpages, the number of visits to our websites, visited websites or the average residence.

We use Cookies namely to collect user-related data during the visit to our websites or over several visits (session management), to store information about the users of our websites based on their usage preferences, in order to show them relevant content in the future (personalization) or to track the behavior of users on the Internet (tracking).

For the storage of preferences and data that are needed during a visit to the website (session management and personalization), we use first-party Cookies, this means Cookies that belong to the domain that appears in the address bar of the browser. To keep track of user trends and patterns (tracking) we use third-party Cookies, this means Cookies that do not belong to the domain that appears in the address bar of the browser.

The data thus collected we use to continuously improve the quality of our services, to evaluate the attractiveness of our websites and to improve the performance and the content of our websites. Collected data from third-party Cookies are processed by third parties on our behalf. Third-party Cookies are exclusively used by our websites and the provider of web statistics and are not shared with other third parties.

Most browsers support Cookies and allow visitors their blocking. You can set your browser so that all Cookies will be rejected or that you will receive a message when a Cookie is being sent. However, some functions or services on our websites will not work properly or will not work at all without Cookies.

7. Links to other webpages

Our website may contain links to other webpages, these webpages are not covered by this Policy. Although we strive to link only webpages that adhere to the same high privacy policies as LYNX, we are not responsible for the privacy policies or the content of such other webpages.

8. Right to information and contact

At your request, LYNX will inform you within a reasonable period of time in writing and in accordance with the applicable law, whether and which personal data of you is stored in our systems. If, despite our efforts to maintain data accuracy and timeliness, incorrect data should be stored in our systems, we will correct it at your request. As a registered user you have the opportunity to view, change or delete the personal data you provided.

For questions concerning your personal data, for information requests as well as suggestions and complaints, you can contact the Law Department of the LYNX Management AG. LYNX will respond to all adequate information requests and to all adequate requests to correct, amend or delete personal data.

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